BEHIND THE SCENES: Preparing for the State of the State
March 2, 2023–3:30 PM: North Carolina’s future is brighter than ever, thanks to significant bipartisan accomplishments and historic investments in our community and economy. Gov. Cooper and his team are hard at work to draft a State of the State address that will lay out a clear vision to seize this historic moment and ensure that every community can prosper for generations to come.
March 5, 2023–4:00 PM: Gov. Cooper’s practice run in the House Chamber— adding in edits that highlight how we’re working to strengthen our state for future generations.
March 5, 2023–4:15 PM: Gov. Cooper made a stop by his seat from when he was in the State House. It’s now occupied by Rep. Rosa Gill.
March 5, 2023–4:30 PM: 📸: Getting camera ready.
March 6, 2023–1:00 PM: Lighting Check!
March 6, 2023–1:15 PM: The House Chamber is ready.
March 6, 2023–6:20 PM: During his address, Gov. Cooper highlights transformational investments the state has made in child care, workforce development, and broadband and clean water infrastructure, and acknowledges North Carolinians with first-hand experience in these areas. Gov. Cooper meets with his guests ahead of the State of the State.
March 6, 2023–6:30 PM: Gov. Cooper poses with his family before heading over to the Legislative Building.
March 6, 2023 — 6:50 PM:Last minute edits are in. Time for North Carolina to seize our historic opportunity.
March 6, 2023–7:15 PM: It’s time. Comms Team watching, preparing a release with full remarks, and posting along with the speech on social media .